St. Catharine of Sienna Catholic Cincinnati Ohio 1978 Schantz / 2003 Buzard

St. Catharine of Sienna
Cincinnati, OH

Tonal re-engineering, rebuilding of existing console and a new relay

St. Catharine of Siena Church, Cincinnati, OH
Rebuilt 2003 by Buzard Pipe Organ Builders, Champaign, IL

Stop List

Great Organ
16 Lieblich Gedeckt
8 Principal
8 Rohrflute
4 Octave
4 Spitzflute
2 Fifteenth
IV Mixture
8 Trumpet
8 Festival Trumpet
Swell Organ
8 Violin Diapason
8 Bourdon
8 Salicional
8 Voix Celeste
4 Principal
4 Harmonic Flute
2 Gemshorn
1 1/3 Larigot
IV Mixture
16 Bassoon
8 Trompette
8 Oboe
4 Clarion
Pedal Organ
32 Resultant
16 Principal
16 Subbass
16 Lieblich Gedackt (Gt)
8 Octave (ext)
8 Pommer
4 Choralbass
IV Mixtur
16 Trombone
16 Bassoon (Sw)
8 Trombone (ext)
8 Trumpet (Sw)
4 Trumpet (Sw)
Positiv Organ
8 Gedeckt
4 Principal
4 Koppelflute
2 2/3 Nasard
2 Blockflute
1 3/5 Tierce
II-III Zimbel
8 Clarinet
8 Festival Trumpet (Gt)