First Presbyterian Church
Piper City, IL
Unaltered tubular-pneumatic-action organ
This organ, after restoration by Buzard, was awarded Historic Organ Citation #379 by the Organ Historical Society. The plaque certifying this award was presented to the church by Buzard Service Director Keith Williams during a concert he performed at the church on June 28, 2009 in celebration of the completion of the project.
Estey Opus 1233, installed 1914 in First Presbyterian Church, Piper City, Illinois
Nameplate reads: Estey Organ Co.
Brattleboro, Vt.
Pencilled inscription inside Great stop action ventil box
“Chester Field 2-23-14 Brattleboro Vt”
Penciled inscription inside Swell stop action ventil box
“Chester Field 2-24-14 Brattleboro Vt”
Manual compass 61 notes, Pedal compass 30 notes. Celluloid manual naturals, ebony sharps. Maple pedal naturals and walnut sharps.
Oak casework (subsequently fake grained by church members.)
Tubular-pneumatic action throughout.
Wind pressure 4” (both action and windchest), pitch A-435
Stop tablets (celluloid) from left to right as follows. Stops black fill, couplers and tremolo red fill.
Stop List
8′ Open Diapason
8′ Melodia
8′ Dulciana
16′ Bourdon
8′ Stopped Diapason
8′ Aeoline
8′ Salicional
4′ Flute Harmonic
8′ Oboe
Originally supplied with both hand pumping mechanism and Spencer Orgoblo. Original blower replaced 1999. Feeders and pump handle remain in place, unrestored.
Buzard staff involved in the project included:
John-Paul Buzard, President
Keith Williams, Service Department Director
David Brown, Service Foreman
John Jordan, Service Department
Stuart Weber, Service Department
John Wiegand, Service Department