University Place Christian Champaign IL 1959 Reuter Organ, Opus 1249

University Place Christian Church
Champaign, Illinois

A new console was custom built in our factory, delivered to the church and installed for this three manual and pedal, 54-rank organ. A new console shell of oak, finished to match other existing furnishings in the chancel, including a locking roll top, lighted music rack, pedal light, and matching adjustable bench with ergonomic back support was fabricated. It has new keyboards, with naturals plated in bone and ebony sharps. It features a new key contact system with a single output per note to the solid state relay. Further, it has new key slips with new piston buttons. The new pedalboard has maple naturals and contrasting hardwood-capped sharps. There are new toe pistons, new expression and crescendo shoes. Also it has new electric action drawknob solenoids for the stops and intra-manual couplers. New electric-action tilting tablet assembly in a new nameboard for the inter-divisional couplers. New console AC control system and DC rectifier. New, custom designed and built solid state combination action, equipped with 32 levels of memory, programmable crescendo and tutti.