First Lutheran Church
Decatur, Illinois
This organ is unique in American organbuilding. It is the magnum opus of Harry Kriisa, an Estonian-born organbuilder whose family firm in Taalin (founded in the 19th century) still exists.
At the end of World War II, Mr. Kriisa’s immigration to the United States was sponsored by the congregation of First Lutheran Church. Mr. Kriisa worked as an organbuilder in central Illinois for the remainder of his life. When the church built a new sanctuary in 1965, Mr. Kriisa constructed his largest instrument for the church, which exists today.
Buzard Organ Builders is privileged to serve as caretakers for this very interesting organ. In 2001 we installed a new solid state relay in the organ. We have made some careful tonal improvements to the instrument, including:
Completion of the Great Mixture (which was originally installed as an incomplete stop, borrowing the Great 4′ Octave, 2-2/3′ and 2′ ranks progressively in the treble register.)
Relocation of the Choir 8′ Krummhorn to a new unit windchest constructed in our factory, so that it is available in the Positiv at 8′ pitch and in the Pedal at 4′ pitch.
Stop List
8’ Principal (1-12 offset)
8’ Hohl Flute
4’ Octave*
4’ Nachthorn
2-2/3’ Quinte*
2’ Octave*
IV Mixture*
8’ Tuba
16’ Swell to Great
8’ Swell to Great
4’ Swell to Great
16’ Choir to Great
8’ Choir to Great
4’ Choir to Great
16’ Positiv to Great
8’ Positiv to Great
8’ Geigen Principal
8’ Rohr Flute (1-32 offset)
8’ Viola (1 -12 offset)
8’ Viola Celeste (tenor C)
4’ Principal
4’ Flute Dolce
2’ Flautino
IV Mixture
8’ Trumpet
8’ French Horn
4’ Oboe
Swell Unison Off
4’ Swell to Swell
8’ Positiv to Swell
16’ Subbass
16’ Rohr Gedeckt (Sw)
8’ Octave (ext. Pr)
8’ Gedeckt (ext Sb)
4’ Choral Bass (ext. Pr)
4’ Flute (ext. Sb)
4′ Krummhorn (Positiv)
IV Mixture
16’ Trombone
8’ Tromba (ext Tr)
4’ Clarion (ext Tr)
2’ Cornett (ext Tr)
8’ Great to Pedal
4’ Great to Pedal
8’ Swell to Pedal
4’ Swell to Pedal
8’ Choir to Pedal
8’ Positiv to Pedal
8’ Gedeckt
4’ Spitz Flute
2-2/3’ Nazard
2’ Principal
1-3/5’ Tierce
8’ Clarinet
Choir Unison Off
4’ Choir to Choir
8’ Swell to Choir
4’ Swell to Choir
8’ Positiv to Choir
8’ Quintadena
4’ Gemshorn
2’ Block Flute
1-1/3’ Larigot
1’ Sif Flute
8’ Krummhorn
III Cymbal
Installation of an 8′ Clarinet in the Choir in place of the Krummhorn.
Revoicing of the existing pipes 1-12 of the Pedal 16′ Trombone and construction of a new 61-note 8′ Trumpet to replace the remainder of this rank. This stop is available at 8′ pitch in the Great and at 16′, 8′ & 4′ in the Pedal.
First Evangelical Lutheran Church, Decatur IL – Harry Kriisa, Decatur, IL, 1970.
Tonal changes by Buzard in boldface