Grace Lutheran Paris IL 1978 Phelps Tracker

Grace Lutheran Church
Paris, IL

1978 Phelps Tracker Organ at Grace Lutheran Church, Paris, IL receives new combination action

This is last instrument of the Phelps Pipe Organ Company founded by Lawrence Phelps. They installed a combination action that eventually failed. The John-Paul Buzard Pipe Organ Company was selected to update the combination action with industry standard technology.

Stop List

Great Organ
Rohrgedackt 8
Principal 4
Spillfloete 4
Blockfloete 2
II Quintenona 1 1/3
III Mixtur 1 1/3
Trompete 8
Chor to Great
Choir Organ
Barduen 8
Unda Maris 8
Spitzfloete 4
II Sesquialtera 2 2/3
Fugara 2
III Zimbel 1
Krummhorn 8
Pedal Organ
Gedacktbass 16
Offenbass 8
Choralbass 4
II Raushquinte 2
II Scharf 1
Chalumeau 16
Great to Pedal
Chor to Pedal