St John U M C, Atlanta, Georgia

John-Paul Buzard was commissioned to do extensive additions and tonal adjustments to the Schantz organ at St. John United Methodist Church in Atlanta.  As part of this project, new slider chests were created for the Great Division.



Further new pipes for a Great Flute a Biberon, Blockflute, Twelfth, Fifteenth and Mixture were added.  The Positiv division received a new 4′ Principal, Mixture and Clarinet on new chests.  The Swell division had three stops re-scaled in addition to a completely new Mixture and provided 12 new pipes for the 8′ Viole.  The Pedal division received new pipes and chest for a 16′ Bourdon.   This work added a great variety of tonal colors not available before.  This is a work in progress.  The next portion of the project will include:

  • Replacement of existing Festival Trumpet with a new 16’/8’ Trombone/Tromba on new windchests.
  • Replacement of existing 16’/8’Contra Oboe with new 16’/8’ Bassoon/Oboe.
  • Replacement of existing 8’/4’Trumpet with new 8’/4’ Trumpet.
  • Construction and installation of new windchest for bass of 16’ Lieblich Gedeckt, and relocation of this atop Swell enclosure, to provide room for new windchest for bass of Bassoon and Trumpet to be located in its place.