St. Louis Besancon Catholic Church, New Haven, Indiana

The organ at St. Louis Besancon Church is a 1922 single manual Hinners instrument. This was a stock-model instrument that Hinners sold through their mail order catalogues. With all detailing of an instrument being handled this way, churches in remote areas were able to purchase a quality pipe organ at a relatively affordable price. The manual division is divided so that half of the keyboard may play one stop and the other a different stop. The drawknobs are notated which are treble and bass.

Originally, only the bottom octave of the 16′ bourdon was present. We completed this rank by adding new pipes and constructing new chest mechanisms that were consonant with the existing one. Now, all thirty notes of the pedal have a bourdon note.

The balance of the work included:

-Making repairs to the chest table.

-Cleaning all pipework.

-Regulating the mechanical action.

-Restoring the super octave manual coupler.